Our staff remains at the forefront of the evolution of regulations that affect our clients’ businesses.


Jun, 2023

About the recently published "National Code of Civil and Family Procedures"

In the Official Gazette of the Federation on September 15, 2017, the decree reforming and adding articles 16, 17 and 73 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States was published, which, among other things, added the fraction XXX of article 73 of the Magna Carta, that authorized Congress to issue unique legislation on civil and family procedural matters.

This is the precedent for the National Code of Civil and Family Procedures published in the Official Gazette on June 7, 2023, which consists of 1,191 articles and through which the system of administration of justice in civil and family matters is modified, nationally and in the states of the country, subject to prior legislative procedures in the respective local Congresses. In addition, it abrogates the Federal Code of Civil Procedures and its local regulations.

This new code became effective on June 8, 2023, but its full application, both in federal and local areas, must be implemented gradually, within a period that must not exceed April 1º, 2027. 

The explanatory statement of the National Code of Civil and Family Procedures justifies its creation, fundamentally, in the need to create the legal framework so that daily justice resolves day-to-day conflicts, in a simple, prompt and close manner, with the same procedures and uniform criteria throughout the national territory.

At Cornejo, Méndez, González y Duarte we keep up to date in national and international legal environments, to benefit the interests of our clients. Our litigation area analyzes in detail the new system of administration of justice in civil and family matters, to update our clients on the substantial changes that are introduced, their legal repercussions on civil and family relations, as well as their legal procedures.

This newsletter was prepared by Mr. Fernando Zurita A. (fzurita@cmgdlaw.com) responsible for the area of civil and commercial litigation.
